7 Terrible But Hilarious Hair Salon Names!

Here are 7 hair salons with names so awful you have to wonder why any client would ever walk in their doors:

Ass Hair Salon

Not exactly the kind of hair most people think of styling.

Colon Salon

Didn’t know there was any hair in there!

Porn Hair Pro

Their clients would be perfect to work at the next place…

Best Head Men’s Hair Salon

Those men better leave a big tip!

Anita Haircut

Would be a great place for Amanda Hugginkiss to work.

Mahboob Salon & Spa

Pity the poor ladies with hair there.

Piss Salon

You’re soaking in it!


Hmmmm…does the name refer to the stylists or the clientele?

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Sexy Window Cleaner Hair Salon Prank

The ladies at this hair salon get an eyeful of a very unusual window cleaner in this prank:

No doubt the most unusual day any of them had spent in the salon. And the most interesting thing they’ve seen outside a window in a very long time.

So is that a kitten in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

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The Client from Hell

Imagine if one client managed to say pretty much all the dumb things your clients try to tell you:

“I want one layer, but like a lot of layers.”

“Like this but not like this…but exactly like this.”

Yes, so often a client will walk into a salon and in vague terms describe what they want a stylist to do with her hair…without stopping to realize that what she wants is, well, impossible.

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Cutting Your Own Hair After a Breakup

Check out this witty video that give some questionable “advice” to women who want to cut their own hair after a bad breakup:

Very funny. But the worst thing about this video is that some woman out their will be desperate enough to try some of it…and then walk into your hair salon expecting you to “fix” the mess that she has made!

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Worst Hair Product Ever!

Very funny prank video in which women are offered a free treatment with a hair product…only to see the spray take out clumps of hair before their very eyes!

Probably the most remarkable this about this comedy video is that the women waiting to get their hair treated don’t get up and run out the very second they see the first clump of hair come out! This video was created for the British edition of the TV show “Just for Laughs,” so maybe people just have more decorum over there.

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$#*! People Tell Their Hair Stylist

Funny video of the typical stuff clients tell their hair stylists:

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Two Kids’ Funny Take on What Goes on at a Hair Salon

Watch this very funny video in which two little girls imagine what goes on at a hair salon and two adults act it out:

Yes it’s all here: the odd client requests and the client’s disappointment when what she wanted gets carried out just as requested!

This video is part of the “Kid Snippets” series from the Bored Shorts TV YouTube channel.

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Anjelah Johnson’s Hilarious “Nail Salon” Routine

See comedienne Anjelah Johnson describe her first time at a nail salon:

“Salon Salon” comes from California comedienne Anjelah Johnson. In her most popular routine, she related her experience getting a manicure at the oddly named “Beautiful Nail” salon with a Vietnamese nail stylist.

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